Our mission is to serve Sri Guru and Gauranga by preserving and developing New Braj Tirtha as a holy dhama and sanctuary for all devotees

Our mission is to serve Sri Guru and Gauranga by preserving and developing New Braj Tirtha as a holy dhama and sanctuary for all devotees. We aim to uphold the loving family mood inspired by our Srila Gurudeva. The community hopes to become a self-sufficient center for learning and harikatha. We beg for mercy to serve Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s Harinama Sankirtana movement. We especially pray to maintain the moods and teachings established by our Guru-parampara. Acting under the guidance of senior Vaisnavas, we offer our endeavors at the lotus feet of Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja and Srila Bhaktivedanta Prabhupada.

Community Life
Simple Living, High Thinking
Life in New Braj centers around noon arati for Sri Sri Radha Govinda. From the gurukula, temple gardens and construction sites, thakurji’s kitchen, Gurudeva’s bhajan kutir and samadhi, and from their homes, devotees daily gather to chant kirtan and honor prasad.